Products sold every year
Branches across Australia
and New Zealand
Customers served every month
Locally owned and operated,
supporting local jobs and the economy


Welcome to Gemcell

Our buying power means we can always offer quality electrical products at competitive prices. Supporting and buying from independent wholesalers keeps the market competitive. This means lower prices for you and better business for all. Happy days!

Don’t forget to check out our magazine Electrical Gems.

Our Members

Our members are all proudly locally owned and operated, supporting local jobs and the economy.

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Schneider and Gemcell Promotion

Schneider and Gemcell Promotion

Purchase Schneider products at a selected Gemcell Member Branch between 1 November 2024 and 31 January 2025 , and receive a $20 Gift Card for every $300 (excl. GST) spent.*
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Short Circuits

Short Circuits

Something happened on the job that made you laugh or do a double-take? Submit your story for a chance to win yourself $200!
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Puzzle Solutions

Puzzle Solutions

Did you solve it?
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Share Your Tips

Share Your Tips

Have you discovered a great way to get around a problem? Tell us, and you could win $200!
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What a Shocker!

What a Shocker!

Come across some bodgy electrical work on your travels? Submit your story for a chance to win yourself $200!
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"By joining Gemcell we have found being part of a network that allows us to deal with our preferred suppliers enables us to provide our customers with the best deals. It also gives us the opportunity to network with other fellow members."

Erica Settineri

Mining and Industrial Wholesalers


"Being part of Gemcell allows us to network with fellow members and business owners, and provides us with the opportunity to share information with the group."

Dayne and Darren Gardiner

Dubbo Powerhouse


"Joining the Gemcell group has been a fantastic opportunity for TEDS. We now have access and relationships with quality suppliers at competitive pricing, and our business has never been stronger because of it."

Duncan Cunningham

Trade Electrical Data Supplies


“One of the great benefits of being a Gemcell member has been the connection with other independent wholesalers from around the country. There’s a great sense of comradery amongst all members, and I will often call another member asking advice or support.”

Daryl Read

Popes Electrical & Data Supplies


“It was a straightforward decision to join the Gemcell Group, as it is a 100% locally-owned company, which supports the growth of our local economy.”

Ian Jones

Sherriff Electrical Wholesalers


"Being part of the Gemcell independent buying group means we can continue to support quality suppliers and ensure reputable, reliable and quality products, with a warranty and support, are available throughout the country.."

Brad Rzemek

Myelec Electrical Wholesalers


“As a member of Gemcell, we’ve got incredibly strong relationships with our suppliers. They understand the value we bring to them, and we understand the value they bring to us – and ultimately, that means a better solution for our customers.”

Scott van Eck

Gordon Macdonald Electrical


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and Qantas Business Rewards