Six tips for successfully managing remote workers

Managing your team’s hard enough, without them being out of sight. Our expert’s six tips will help you succeed, though.

In this Article:
Set the expectations early
Use tech to connect
A surprise visit can work wonders

Set the expectations early and remind the team regularly

We all want to trust our team. Giving our teams clear expectations early and regular reminders of what is expected creates certainty for them and you. It also makes it easier for you to follow up when they don’t meet the expectations as the framework is already there.

Use systems to your advantage

Systems don’t have to be expensive. WhatsApp or messages can work very effectively. By setting up a channel / thread for each job, you can drop in details of your expectations for the job. Get them to take photos and post them for the jobs. They can be used as “bragging rights” for teams where they showcase the beautiful work they are doing and progress on the job sites.

We encourage managers to use the pretext that you can help them if the client says anything about the quality of the work, as you have the photos.

Protect you, your team and your business from claims

Use the same apps for WHS. It is really important that you have evidence of everyone getting a toolbox talk on safety regularly. Create a note in your phone that can be copied into the app every week or have standard safety checks to consider on each new job.

Location monitoring gives you confidence.

There are times when installing GPS tracking in company vehicles is required for the good of your team and your business. If one person is always “picking something up from a supplier” or late arriving, it impacts the whole team, client satisfaction and your business. It pays for itself very quickly in better behaviours. Or you can use the same apps to get employees to let you know when they arrive on site by asking for site check-in photos first thing every morning. Is it the same as you left it last night? Has rain impacted an outside jobsite? Show me the view, etc.

Sometimes tracking equipment is unavoidable

Do you seem to be regularly replacing certain pieces of equipment? If it is expensive, it is worth having it engraved or marked with your company name. Spending less than $200 in painting equipment saved one client more than $5000 in six months.


There were many subcontractors on the jobsite, so knowing that others could see the true ownership of equipment made a huge difference.

Plan for unplanned drop-ins

If the team know you are coming, they may be tempted to show you what you want to see. Randomly drop in on your teams. Make it a habit so they know that you could arrive at any time. That way they will be working like you could be there at any moment.

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